Maxi’s at Magnolia

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Any fans of Fixer Upper and Chip & Joanne Gaines? Raise your hand.

*pssst….My hands are frantically waving in the air*

While in Fort Worth over the Fourth of July holiday, I decided that I absolutely had to make the drive down to Waco (only and hour and a half) to visit the mecca of HGTV. Yes, THE Magnolia Silos. I left before dawn in hopes to get there right at 7:30 a.m. when the bakery opens, slide through the line and make my through the rest of Magnolia. As I approached the destination with a maniacal laugh, praising myself that my evil plan had worked I noticed the line…oh boy.

Dazed, I made my way past the Cross Fit store in search of parking. Here is a tip, DO NOT pay the $10 the church and other stores are charging to park in their lots. There is free parking behind the cross fit building and it is owned by Magnolia.

Easily sliding into a spot, I grabbed my hat and clutch and made my way to The Silo lawn just as dawn broke.

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Quite scenic right?

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Another tip, if you are not used to the Texas heat you need to get to The Silos at 7:30 a.m. I was thankful I had a hat, maxi dress, and sunscreen on, it was roasting and it wasn’t the delicious bakery and coffee shop either, it was me! Make sure you are prepared. I can only imagine what it is like in the late morning/afternoon. Get there early, it is worth it to watch the sun come up over the peaks.

When in Rome, do as the Roman’s do. Sweet little dress right? Light, airy, but still sexy and sophisticated. It’s the perfect summer dress.

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Dress Hat (similar)Sandals (similar)

The bakery opens at 7:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday while the rest of the stores do not open until 9:00 a.m. Having took my fill of pictures, I planted myself in line ready to devour the infamous Silos Bakery cupcakes for breakfast.

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The line is quick-moving as you have to fill out these cards before you enter the actual store.

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After about a 45 minute wait, I placed my order, got my Banana Creme and Lavender Lemon Cupcake and headed out to the Magnolia Seed and Supply Garden. Here, I ate my cupcake (yes it was amazing) and waltzed around the flowers.

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Throughly sugared out, I headed toward the shining beckon of The Silos of course is the Magnolia Store.

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If I thought the line to the bakery was bad, you should have seen my face when I saw the line to this storefront. Do not despair the store is actually much larger than it appears and I only waited in this line for about 10 minutes.

There is so much to see and do in the store, I did not snap any pictures as I was busy shopping. However, this is a MUST if you are a fan of Joanne’s style and aesthetic. I snatched up a few things for my mom (and of course a few things for me) and decided to say adieu.

Stuffed with cupcakes and home goods I raced back to my car to escape the ever climbing temperature and growing crowds.

This is a must for any visit to Texas. It’s family friendly, beautiful, and one of a kind. I left feeling radiant! Don’t forget this bloggers tips: Free parking is available and get there early to beat the crowds and heat.

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