Iceland- What to Do Around Reykjavik

Ah Reykjavik!

It’s a beautiful city on the coast of Iceland. There are only about 200,000 people living in the greater Reykjavik area. The city is safe (in fact it felt safer than Lansing!), it’s clean, and extremely manageable in terms of navigation. And coming from me, a girl whose own parents call her directionally challenged, I never felt lost.

For my day in the city, I went where the wind took me. Of course, I had ideas of what I wanted to see/do, but I wanted to feel relaxed and on my own time. It was a fantastic way to spend the day, and I suggest you do the same thing!

I woke up, had breakfast and headed out into the city along the Sea Walkway.



The Sun Voyager.

Of course, I had to visit Hallgrimskirkja church, an icon. Iceland is a Lutheran nation, and this parish is the largest church in Iceland & one of the biggest structures in Iceland.


The statue of Leif Erikson in front of Hallgrimskirkja.


You can go inside the church for free! *Note- If it’s a Sunday (like it was when I visited), the church will be closed for a few hours for service. It will open again around noon.


Inside the parish.

While walking inside is free, if you want to go to the top of the church tower, you will need to pay about $10 USD for a ticket. You purchase this in the gift shop at the front of the church. There is a line, as only 6 people can ride up in the elevator at a time. But patience is a virtue and the view really is worth the wait.


The colors of Reykjavik.



As a walked around, I stumbled upon Iceland’s Independence Day Celebration! There was a lovely ceremony in front of the House of Parliament, and then a parade. What fun!


I enjoyed the colors of the city and the Independence day fun, but I worked up quite an appetite. Iceland is famous for their hotdogs, and I was determined to try one. I was really nervous, and frankly waited until I was ravenous. This is the ‘Famous’ hotdog stand, Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur. It’s located in front of the Radison Blue in downtown Reykjavik. I ordered ‘one with everything’ for about $5 USD, and of course took an obligatory photo.


The verdict… I really liked it! Was it because I was starving? Or was it because it was delicious? All I know is I ate it and enjoyed it in that moment. Tummy full, I was ready to dive into their museums.

I visited four, all of which I recommend:

  • The National Museum of Iceland– I spent two hours here and enjoyed every minute. You learn all about the history & settlement of Iceland from 800 AD to present day. This is a must when in Reykjavik! If you go on June 17, it’s free because of their Independence Day.


  • The Settlement Exhibition– This Exhibition is built around the ruins of a viking longhouse. The hall was inhabited from 930- 1000. This museum is very interactive! There is motion activated sensors that play little movies on what life was like in the longhouse. I had a blast, and I think kids would enjoy too (if you’re traveling with family). This museum is about $16 USD.
  • The Reykjavik City Museum– When you purchase your ticket to the Settlement Exhibition, you get a free ticket to the Reykjavik City Museum which is about three buildings down. This is a small museum in the oldest building in Reykjavik.
  • The Icelandic Phallological Museum– If you know anything about Reykjavik, you had to know this was coming. The infamous penis museum. Wow, this was a lot. There was many different types of penis’ everywhere (including a human penis), as well as penis artwork, sculptures, and a phallic shaped buildings. I won’t spoil it too much for you, but don’t think to long and hard about visiting *eyebrow wiggle.* Entrance fee is about $15 USD.


Exhausted, I enjoyed my walk back to my Airbnb along the Sea Walk.

Fun Fact- The photos below were taken at 9 p.m. Iceland in the summer has almost 24 hour daylight! It is extremely disorienting and actually does mess with your body clock. Be prepared for it, and bring an eye mask for sleeping.

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Reykjavik at 9 p.m.

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Beautiful Eventing in Reykjavik. 

The final verdict, Reykjavik is the perfect city for the solo traveler! Safe, fun, and historical. Enjoy your time there and soak in the culture.


 Icelandic Horse Back Riding

The next morning I was picked up by Ishestar Riding Center, just outside of Reykjavik for my horse back riding tour. If you didn’t know, Icelandic horses are a unique and adorable breed. Take a look for yourself:

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I liked to imagine this is what the Vikings saw. 

While I am not an experienced rider at all, I still had fun. The guides were sassy a few times, which was not appreciated. This is 100% touristy, but if you are an inexperienced rider, and want to get up close to these animals this is a nice way to do so. *Bonus points: the guides did offer to take your pictures on the horses, which I really liked!

  • You can book this tour here.
  • Or here is another tour: it’s a bit more expensive, but the reviews are good and it’s for all experience levels!

The Blue Lagoon

On my last day in Iceland, I stopped at the Blue Lagoon before flying back home. Now, I knew this was going to be 200% touristy, but all the pictures and recommendations say you should go.

Blue Lagoon

Here are the facts:

  • It’s expensive. For the basic package it’s about $65 USD.
  • It’s not a natural hot spring. It’s man-made.
  • It’s extremely busy.
  • You can bring your luggage, but if it’s a big suitcase you have a check outside the lagoon and it’s about $7 USD/bag. I only travelled with my backpack & weekender tote, so I didn’t need to check my bags.

When you get there, you check in with the front desk (there is a queue). They give you a towel, a smart wristband (which you can use to buy things in the lagoon, and to lock your lockers). These wrist bands are your life, so DON’T lose them or they will charge you. Also, they are really finicky and want to fall off (hmmm…) so take this blogger’s advice and keep it really tight.

Once through check in, men & women are directed into their locker rooms. You can leave your shoes at the door, but you have to be barefoot or have shower shoes on in the locker room. No outside shoes allowed. I took mine in my locker so as not to chance them getting stolen. Just like any other hot spring you need to shower naked and wash your hair throughly before entering the lagoon. They do provide soap, and conditioner (which they recommend leaving in your hair when you enter the lagoon).

*SIDE STORY: Ladies & Gentlemen. I have read horror stories about the hair damage the Blue Lagoon causes. I DID NOT dip my hair in the Blue Lagoon or Secret Lagoon, so I never had an issue. While you have to wash your hair before you get in, please leave it at that!*

After washing you head outside to blue waters of the lagoon.

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It is very photogenic, I am not going to lie. However, this was my least favorite thing I did in Iceland. I expected the water to be just as warm as the Secret Lagoon, but it wasn’t. There were some areas that were actually a little cold!

Also for you sensitive skin folks out there, this probably is not for you. At the Secret Lagoon, I had no reactions whatsoever. In fact, my skin felt soft and rejuvenated after that soak. At the Blue Lagoon, after about 40 minutes in the water I started to feel itchy & have some red blotches appear around my chest. Of course this freaked me out, and I immediately went back upstairs and showered for a good 30 minutes. Because I had all my travel luggage with me I used my own lufa, soap, and shampoo/conditioner so as not to further any reaction I may be having.

After my shower, my skin felt much better, but I wish I would have known that some have reactions to the silica in the water.

So would I recommend this? No. No I would not. You can and should skip this if you ever head to Iceland.

Iceland in Review


As I was flying home, I reflected on how amazing this journey has been. Iceland is one of the best trips I have taken. As my first solo experience, I could not have wished for better. I highly recommend to start with Iceland if you want to try solo travel. The city is easy to navigate, the day tours are a fun way to see the country and to make new friends.

Do yourself a favor, and if you are even thinking about it a little bit, just book it! What do you have to lose?

Cheers Wanderers & on to the next destination,

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Iceland- Snaefellsnes Peninsula

I’ve been doing a lot of talking about Iceland. I can’t help it, it’s just so beautiful! I could explore the country for another week, but since I only had a few days left I booked a last-minute tour to the Snaefellsnes Peninsula.

Snaefellsnes is famous for its dramatic landscape of volcanic peaks, sea cliffs, golden beaches and sparkling fjords. Because of its variety in such a compact region, Jules Verne immortalized it in his book “Journey to the Center of the Earth.”

During the day we:

  • Visited the fishing villages of Grundarfjordur, Arnarstapi and Hellnar.
  • Saw the mountains and volcanic craters of Kirkjufell and Ljósufjöll.
  • Walked along the black sand beach at Djúpalónssandur
  • Saw the Snæfellsjökull Glacier
  • Ended the day at the seal colony in Ytri Tunga

I could write, or I could show you. Enjoy the sites.

Snaefellsness Peninsula

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Waterfall at Kirkjufell.

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Kirkjufell, the most photographed mountain in Iceland.

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Djupalonssandur black sand beach with debris from the WWII posts stationed in Iceland.

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Snaefellsjokull Glacier.

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Troll statue is Amarstapi.

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Do you see the Seal?

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Sleepy Seal at Ytri Tunga.

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Ytri Tunga Beach.

My final opinion

I booked this day tour through Get Your Guide. It’s a great website to book all sorts of activities in places all around the globe. The tour company this was through Bus Travel Iceland. The guide was better than the Golden Circle guide, but he was still very quiet and did not offer much in terms of storytelling. Would I still recommend though? Absolutely! I can’t stress enough how vast the Icelandic landscape is. I was constantly in awe that I was in the same country, and this tour really lets you see its vastness.

  • You can book the Snaefellsnes Peninsula Full- Day Tour here.


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Iceland- The Golden Circle & Secret Lagoon

You may be thinking? What’s the Golden Circle? Is it a circle made of gold? Is it the sequel to the Kingsman movie? In different contexts…yes. In Iceland, no.

The Golden Circle is a popular tourist route in southern Iceland covering about 190 miles looping from Reykjavík into the southern uplands of Iceland and back. It is the area that contains most tours and travel-related activities in Iceland. You will see more tourists on this route, than anywhere else in Iceland. If you are there in peak season (Summer months) prepare to see even more.

Depending on what tour you do, or if you are doing it solo via a rental car you will see three main sites:

1. Thingvellir National Park

The park lies in a rift valley that marks the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the boundary between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. To its south lies Þingvallavatn, the largest natural lake in Iceland. Þingvellir is associated with the Althing, the national parliament of Iceland, which was established at the site in 930 AD. Sessions were held at the location until 1798.


2. Haukadalur

Haukadalur is home to some of the most famous sights in Iceland: the geysers and other geothermal features which have developed on the Laugarfjall rhyolitic dome. The biggest geysers of Haukadalur are Strokkur and Geysir itself, which gave us the word ‘geyser’. Strokkur is very dependable and erupts every 5 to 10 minutes, whereas the bigger Geysir nowadays erupts very rarely. There are also more than 40 other smaller hot springs, mud pots and fumaroles nearby.



Strokkur erupting.



Strokkur up close!

3. Gulfoss

Gulfoss is a waterfall located in the canyon of Hvítá river in southwest Iceland. It’s truly a wonder to behold. I was extremely lucky to capture a beautiful rainbow as the sun poked through on an otherwise overcast day.


After a long day of travel, our tour ended with a soak in the Secret Lagoon. Unlike the Blue Lagoon, which is man-made, this is a natural hot spring.

When you arrive you head to the locker rooms, take off your shoes, and head into the shower rooms (which are separated by male and female). There are free lockers for you to use to place your valuables in, and change. Fun fact: you have to shower before you get into the hot springs…naked. Yup, if you have read anything about that, it’s absolutely true. It really was not that awkward. Everyone kept to themselves, showered (including washing your hair) and changed into swim suits.

Secret Lagoon-2Secret Lagoon

After an hour soak, I was warmed to my inner core and headed back to the locker room to shower, change and head back to Reykjavik.

My final opinion

I booked this day tour through Get Your Guide. It’s a great website to book all sorts of activities in places all around the globe. The tour company this was through was Sterna Travel. While I throughly enjoyed the destinations of this tour, I was not excited about our guide. He was very quiet, and really didn’t offer much in terms of history, stories, etc. If you would rather sit in quiet, then this is the trip for you. However, if you are like me and want to learn about all the places and their stories you may be disappointed.

  • You can book this Golden Circle & Secret Lagoon Tour here.
  • OR I found this one through Bus Travel Iceland, which takes you to the Secret Lagoon first and then to the Golden Circle. You should book this!

The Secret Lagoon is an absolute must in my opinion, so whichever tour or way you choose to get there it’s worth the stop!

We headed back to Reykjavik, warm, relaxed and ready for my romp around Reykjavik the next day.

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Iceland- Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon & The Southern Island

I woke early the next day ready to explore the south of Iceland. I was picked up by Bus Travel Iceland for a 15 hour tour to Glacier Lagoon, and the wonders of the south.

I was picked up about 7:30 a.m. and introduced to our tour guide, Howser.

He was fantastic, all the way to the Jokulsarlon, he told us the history of the area, stories of vikings, the science and devastation of the volcanos, and so much more. He had us laughing and comfortable all the way to glacier lagoon.

Once we arrive, you could hear everyone’s breath hitch. The glaciers rested in the water, floating sculptures for your viewing pleasure. Each as different as the next.

Howser gave us an hour to explore the area, and explore we did. I adventured out with my new friend, Lena and we ‘oohed and aahed’ at the formations.

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A rare ice flower.

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What do you see in this one?

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A hungry ice shark!

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We hopped back on the bus, only to be taken across the way to Diamond Beach. Why is called Diamond Beach? Oh, no reason….

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Diamond Beach

Diamond Beach.

Beautiful shards of glaciers, danced in the light all around us. Some were in the water, but hundreds were along the black sand gleaming and glittering like rare jewels.

I shall only except a ring of this size from now on (just kidding).

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I do!

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Sea dragon.

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We had so much fun looking at all the formations and playing with the ice. It was truly a sight to behold!

Once we had our fill, we headed back and started making the trek back to Reykjavik, but with many more stops along the way. The first was to one of the many waterfalls of Iceland: The Side Waterfall.


The Side Waterfall.


I mean come one!

Around another corner, we stopped at the Sister’s Falls. This was on land that once belonged to a convent, hence the name.


The Sister’s Falls.


One of the best stops of the day was in Vik.


Black sand beach in Vik.

It’s summer in Iceland (despite what you may think) so the Lupine flowers are blooming. This is not a native plant, however, Howser told us that even though this is not native it is helping Iceland in a unique way. This plant only grows where the soil is not well. An amazing thing happens, the plant creates its own top soil and heals the land through its growth. When the land is healed it will stop growing. Of course, there are two sides the other being it is an aggressive plant and some Icelander’s do not like how quickly it has spread.

While I can’t speak for Icelander’s, I was very enamored with the flower especially the fields growing in Vik.


The trolls & their ship.


Lupine flowers.



The church in Vik from a field of Lupine.


We continued our way back to Reykjavik, but not without two more stops. The first being to Skogafoss Waterfall. If you watch Vikings you will remember this from when Raven Floki was shipped wrecked.


Skogafoss Waterfall.


We got as close to the falls as possible, getting soaked, but our souls were rejuvenated from the fresh water spray.


Soaked and completely smitten with Iceland, we got back on our bus and headed to our last stop, Seljalandfoss. Now this is a fall you can really get to know…by walking behind it.


Seljalandsfoss Waterfall.


I thought I was rejuvenated by Skogafoss, but when I walked behind Seljalandfoss, I was reborn! There is nothing that compares to the beauty of a waterfall and seeing it from all angles. It was a magical experience that left me thankful.


Behind the falls!

How could the day be better? The answer, it couldn’t!

My final opinion

I booked this day tour through Get Your Guide. It’s a great website to book all sorts of activities in places all around the globe. You need to do this tour, and if there is a way to request Howser as guide then you should do so! He was so knowledgeable, shared amazing insights, history, music and songs, and took us to extra waterfalls. I mean, how can you argue with that?

  • You can book the tour here. Also shout out to Bus Travel Iceland. This company is extremely organized. The bus was a small 16 person vehicle, so it felt intimate and not too much like a giant Greyhound tourist vessel. 10/10 , I recommend this trip, and for only $119 USD?!

I went to sleep completely exhausted, but happy and ready for my next day exploring Iceland’s infamous Golden Circle.

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Iceland- A Solo Journey

If you didn’t know, I am a wanderlust soul.

Travel is what excites me and fills me with purpose and joy. I have such a strong desire to see the world, to experience it, and to learn about it.

Though I have been to 20 countries, I have never truly travelled solo. Until last week, when I embarked on my first real solo adventure to Iceland. Though I was based in Reykjavik I took trips to different parts of the island. But more about that later…

I flew to Iceland on Wow Airlines. If you don’t know about Wow, look into it! My round trip, non stop flight from Detroit to Reykjavik was only $400!

WOW *eyebrow wiggle.*

The flight was overall fine, and only six hours. I’ve traveled on some bad budget airlines, but I would fly on this one again. It was very bare bones,  you had to purchase any refreshments but since the flight was at 1 a.m. frankly all I wanted was to do was sleep.

Time FLEW by *eyebrow wiggle* and I got in to Reykjavik in mid morning. The airport is busy, but once through customs there is a clear path to the buses & taxis. I did not purchase my bus ticket prior and had no difficulty purchasing one at the counter. It only cost about 15 USD and was quite easy to use. They dropped us off at a bus station, where we switched buses according to the area we were going. After the exchange I was dropped off at City Hall where I headed to the meeting point for the City Walk Free Walking Tour.

This I absolutely recommend. You need to book in advance, but please note you can only book about a week in advance of your trip. Here is the link to their website/booking.

Our guide’s name was Sara, a true Icelander and local history teacher. She showed us around the city for about two hours. This was a great way to start the trip. This helps you acclimate to the city, so you have some idea of where you are and where you are going. Sara talked to us about politics, history, and gave us great tips for food, where to buy groceries, museums, etc.

We started at the main square Austurvöllur, in front of the House of Parliament (Alþingi) and ended at the Harpa Music Hall.


The Pond by City Hall



Harpa Music Hall



The weather is very changeable, so be prepared for rain, cold, wind, and sun all in one day! Layers, layers, layers, a light weight waterproof/windproof jacket and a good hat doesn’t hurt. One moment the sun came out, and the next it poured. It didn’t stop Sara or anyone from having a good time. She did find places for us to warm up/dry off for a bit, which of course was appreciated.

At the end of the tour, she e-mailed us all a link with information about Iceland and Reykjavik.  Now, in Iceland tipping is not required. HOWEVER, in this instance, this tour is donation based so you can feel free to give as much as you like. There is even a portal on their website for you to pay with credit card if you do not have cash. I tipped Sara, and headed out into the city.

My first stop was the Icelandic grocery store Bonus. I stayed in an Airbnb for the week, and was intent on saving money by making my own food. I highly recommend this! Iceland’s prices are manageable, but what really is expensive is eating out. I saved a lot of money by buying groceries and preparing most of my food at my Airbnb. I bought all the basics like:

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Peppers
  • Bread
  • Jam
  • Peanut Butter
  • Chips
  • Frozen Meal
  • Bananas

Speaking of Airbnb’s, if you are going to be based in Reykjavik like I was, I recommend you rent a little apartment. There are lots of places you can find here, and look how cute the view is from mine!


After a long day of travel, I made myself some food and plopped into bed. My tour the next morning left at 7:00 a.m. for the south side of the island, and it was a day I would never forget.

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Hamilton in Chicago

My girlfriends Brittney, Emma, and I are MASSIVE fans of Hamilton. You’ve heard of the tiny musical called Hamilton right? *wink.*

We have been listening to the music, and coveting tickets for what feels liks years. Finally, the stars aligned and over coffee one morning we decided it was time to make our musical dreams come true.

We bought tickets for a Saturday matinée show, with plans to drive into Chicago in the morning, watch Hamilton, and then drive back home.

Such a special day, needs an equally special dress: The Marilyn Gal Meets Glam Collection dress.


It’s easy elegance, wraps you in its silky silhouette giving you instant 1940s glam. The material is light, flowy, and perfect from taking you from brunch, to a show, to out on the town.


I paired it with these easy sandals, and for an extra special vintage flair, my Great Grandmother’s handbag from the 1950s.

Chicago11Chicago12Chicago10Chicago13The details of the dress are breathtaking. Julia (Gal Meets Glam) absolutely nailed the look and feel of classic elegance. The dress doesn’t wear you, YOU wear the dress, and you instantly feel like the most interesting girl in the world!

Marilyn Gal Meets Glam Dress | Strappy Sandals | Purse (Vintage) 

I highly recommend looking at her collection and purchasing a dress. I know it’s definitely going to be a staple in this blogger’s wardrobe.

When we arrived, we started off with brunch at The Dearborn. If you’re ever in Chicago check out this restaurant. The food is amazing, the staff are wonderful, and the mimosa’s are to die for. It’s the perfect trifecta.

After stuffing ourselves to the brim, we walked around the city, and of course having our photo shoot fun.


I definitely feel like a fish in the right water when I am in a big city. Can you tell by my cheeser grins?!

Finally, the moment had arrived. We were giddy school girls, young, scrappy, hungry, and ready for the musical to blow us all away.


The Schuyler Sisters! WORK!


Not throwing away my shot!


In the room where it happened….I was left speechless. The show was everything I had ever hoped it would be. The cast was amazing (Shout out to George Washington!), the set was beautiful, the execution flawless, the tears were flowing; I was and still am stunned.

If you haven’t listened to the music, or if you are unfamiliar with the story of our founding father, Alexander Hamilton, I recommend you immediately educate yourself. You will be blown away, by the story and Lin- Manuel Miranda’s music.

*Pro tip- No matter where you see it, bring the tissues. You’ll thank me later!

Absolutely high on life, and with puffy eyes, we made our way to one last stop. Magnolia Bakery. They are famous for their banana pudding, and other treats. Dessert and coffee give me life. Can you tell?


What a perfect end to the perfect day. I love my ladies so much, and I can’t wait for our next adventure.

Have you seen Hamilton yet or do you have any tips on where I should go in Chicago next? Let me know your thoughts below!

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UnBelizable Ending

Do yourself a favor and book all your snorkeling trips with Island Dream Tours. Our first day we were laying out on our dock, we heard the speech of Kevin from Island Dream Tours, and Alyse and I knew we had to book a day trip with them. They were full until our last full day, we jumped on the opportunity and booked the ‘Chill Cruise’ and spoiler alert it was easily the best part of the trip.

The chill cruise included:

  • Food all day
  • Full bar
  • Snorkling at Hol Chan & Shark Ray Alley
  • Anchor at a Chill Spot to Relax

We gathered on the dock early Thursday morning to listen to Kevin speak about Belize. This is a country that runs on its tourism revenue. The country is simply not big enough for them to cultivate more exports. The ocean is how the people of this country make their living, both on the islands and on the mainland. However, there is a serious issue. The ocean and wildlife are not respected: Trash lines the beaches, seaweed lies in heaps at the edge of the water, the smells are nauseating, and now the Belizean government could begin off shore oil drilling.

This ‘quick fix’ would hardly be worth it, in terms of income and would destroy the reef, the wildlife, and the major tourism draw. We need to do something about this. Kevin encouraged us to take photos with the ‘No means no for oil drilling sign,’ and share on our social media.

So photos we took and share we did.

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Island Dreams didn’t just educate us about the dangers of oil drilling, feed us, and keep the booze flowing, they even had underwater camera for us to use! They uploaded them to a drop box and e-mailed us the link a week or so later, and the results were awesome.

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Shout out to Alyse for being the best photographer ever!

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She’s an actual mermaid!

L.L. Bean Rashguard | When I say you need these shirts, you really need these shirts! We wore these snorkeling a few times and NEVER burned on our backs. It’s a must for any tropical vacation.

After our amazing snorkeling visits in Hol Chan & Shark Ray alley (Which are a must if you are traveling to Belize) we enjoyed a relaxing cruise to our ‘Chill spot.’ Hence the name, the ‘Chill Cruise.’

We dropped anchor in a beautiful area, with clear waist deep water. I mean look at the color. How could you resist?

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We floated, swam, and drank in the warm water soaking in our last of the tropical sun.

I of course, could not resist a photo shoot in this fantastic vintage inspired bikini.

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High Waisted Bikini (AMAZING PRICE!) | Floppy Hat | Sunglasses

The light peachiness of the suit compliments your tan, making you positively radiate with a summer glow. The rouching of the bottoms hides any tummy problems, and the top pushes the girls up making you feel like Marilyn Monroe.

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Soon it was time to go, and we cruised back to the dock, with new friends in tow.

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If traveling has taught me anything, It’s that the world is an amazing place. How could you not smile? What traveling also brings is a responsibility to raise awareness and be a voice. No means no for oil drilling! We only have one planet, and we need to protect it. We are all humans and we all share this earth. Let’s be a voice and protect what we have to others may enjoy traveling for generations to come.

This bloggers advice for Belize?

  • Get a Rashguard shirt. You will thank me after a few days of snorkeling.
  • If you are not staying at a resort, be prepared for the reality of the dirty shore. The beaches are not usable, unless at a resort.
  • Bring cash! They accept USD, so bring it. Most places do accept major credit cards, but cash is so much easier.
  • Try and book your day adventures before hand, especially if you are going in tourist season (January- April).
  • Have I said sunscreen and after sun lotion yet? No! Well bring them! Sun bum is my personal favorite for both products.
  • If your staying on San Pedro, definitely book Island Dream Tours ‘Yolo’ Boat trips. The crew is fantastic, you are well taken care of, and it’s a BLAST. I would return to go on more trips with this company.

Overall it was an amazing vacation, with amazing people, and I will cherish it forever!

Have you ever been to Central America? If so, where? If you could go once place in Central America, where would you go?

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Belizean Mermaid

I want to be where the people are, I want to see, want to see them dancing!

There’s something magical about putting on a swimsuit. What adds to that magic? A tropical and breathtaking view. As you take in the beauty of the water,  you can almost feel your fins.  The sound of the water, calms you, and calls you to the sea.

Maybe it’s just me, but Gingham ALWAYS taps into my inner Disney princess.  This classic one piece surprises with a deliciously low back.

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Gingham Swimsuit | Hat | Sunglasses 

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What a view.

If there is one thing that Belize does right, it’s water, calling me home.

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Altun Ha, Belize

When my friend Alyse asked me if I wanted to go to Belize, I said YES. With that emphasis too.

If you’ve heard anything about the midwest this winter, it’s been awful. Cold, snow, ice, wind, and unrelenting. I was in need of the sun and good times with friends.

We arrived a Friday afternoon, hoped the water taxi to San Pedro, and found our hotel. After we got settled we just had to Instagram the sunset.

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Belize is a small but interesting country. A part of the ancient Mayan civilization the country has a few temples you can visit. We jumped at the chance to visit the ruins and chose a package that offered cave tubing as well.  “Inland and Sea Adventures” on San Pedro coordinated the trip for us. I would NOT recommend this company, except for this tour. They are extremely disorganized and frankly a little rude. HOWEVER, our tour guide, Nuri, was an absolute delight.

After a water taxi ride back to the mainland, we met Nuri at the port. A native to Belize City, he was not only extremely educated about Belize, but the Mayan civilization as well. He taught us all about the creole language on our way to Altun Ha.

I’m not going to lie, you need to book this through a tour company. The roads are quite rough, and this is a more accessible temple!  I mean if you are really adventurous and are an expert driver, maybe, but be prepared. It’s worse than Michigan roads, which is saying a lot.

Once we arrived, we eagerly hopped out of the truck ready to transport ourselves to the time of the Mayans.

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I of course, went full tourist….

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Since we were cave tubing in the afternoon, I opted for this cute one piece and my favorite pair of running shorts. The tennis shoes are also water shoes, and a MUST. They were $20 and amazingly comfortable while I trekked all over the ruins and eventually through the Mayan Underworld.

Water Shoes | Scalloped One Piece | Shorts | Hat

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The site was breathtaking. These structures are hundreds of years old, but the architecture is sophisticated.

It is believed this was a religious city, and yes this was a city, and it was BOOMING.

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Pretty cool right? Probably fragile right? Nope, we get to climb them!

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This is the main temple. It’s significance? Well not only is it the temple on the Belikin Beer logo (The official beer of Belize)


But it is in fact the temple where they discovered the biggest piece of carved jade in Mayan history.

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She’s a beauty, isn’t she? Want to see some spectacular views?

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Well, let’s go for a climb.

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These babies are my new favorite, and they do not look like regular doppy water shoes…uhhh unless your into that sort of thing. For me, I am a little more high maintance with my shoes and I want style and comfort.

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This is a replica of the jade head. As I am sure you read in the picture *eyebrow wiggle* it is priceless and kept locked away for obvious reasons.

After a few hours at the ruins, we hopped back in the car and drove to hell.

I did not get any pictures cave tubing as I did not want to ruin any of our electronics, but I can tell you it was a lot of fun! We literally trekked through the jungle, hauling our tubes and helmets, and stared the ‘Mayan Underworld’ in the face. An ancient giant cave, filled with fresh cold water, and ghostly shadows. Spooky right?

All in all, it was an amazing day trip. This bloggers advice?

  • Inland and Sea Adventures for ONLY this tour. Request Nuri, as he was amazing.
  • Wear your water shoes and swimsuit.
  • Bring an extra pair of clothes. You will get wet in the cave and it is not fun to sit in the van with soggy bottoms.
  • Sunscreen, sunscreen. That tropical sun is a killer and it was HOT at the ruins.

Have you ever been to ancienct ruins before? Let me know in the comments below!

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Linens in Lavender

When I saw an ad on Facebook for a Lavender Festival I immediately called my mom and said, “We’re going!”

An afternoon wandering around a Lavender farm full of artisan vendors, music, and lavender infused food and drinks? Yes, please.

The 15th Annual Michigan Lavender Fest is in Armada, Michigan. This festival was July 14- 16 weekend. The theme this year was ‘A Symphony of the Senses.” My mom and I woke up early and made the drive, giddy to see (and smell) all of the Lavender. The festival opened at 10 a.m. and I was very thankful we got there early. The crowds were already fairly large, but we didn’t mind.

This festival does have a $7 admission fee, but the parking is free and many vendors give free samples, along with demonstrations.

We headed in, and were tickled pink…er lavender…at all amazing floras.

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Fresh bundles were around every corner, scenting the summer breeze with their soothing smell. It was magical.

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On top of all the amazing soaps, scrubs and fresh flowers were the decadent treats. We gorged ourselves on lavender shortbread (incredible!), lavender sugar cookies, lavender lemonade, lavender ice cream, lavender granola, lavender balsamic vinegar, and lavender fudge. To say that I was a happy camper, is an understatement.

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Bellies full, we decided it was time to head to the ‘U-Pick’ Lavender farm. We hopped on the tracker anticipating fields of purple to waltz around in like a girl in the french country side. What we were met with was a small plot of land that had been fairly picked over…

My favorite quote of the day went something like this:

  • Me: “Oh…there it is.”
  • Mom: “Where?”
  • Me: “Right there, were those people are standing.”
  • Mom: “Where?”

I am going to be honest, this was fairly disappointing. However, that doesn’t mean we didn’t make the most of our time in that fragrant field. Like learning this cool factoid, did you know there are three types of lavender? I didn’t!

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The field may have been disappointing in person, but it sure did photograph well.

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This linen dress is my new summer favorite. It’s light, airy and long enough to romp around in and not have to worry about anything. Basically, I am buying it in every color.

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Dress — Sandals (similar) Sunglasses (similar)Earrings

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The ‘U- Pick’ field cost $5 for 25- 26 stems of lavender. My mom and I decided this was not a good deal, and made of most of our bundles of lavender for photos.

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Stocked to the brim with bunches of lavender, food, and other goodies we said our goodbyes to the fragrant farm and headed home.

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So, would I recommend this festival? Absolutely! It’s fun and you will leave feeling utterly relaxed after a day in the sun with lavender wafting through the breeze. However, don’t expect any giant fields, it’s truly only a plot.

If you are interested in learning more check out their website here: Michigan Lavender Festival. Some quick tips, get there early, bring a basket (especially if you want to buy bundles of lavender), and don’t forget the sunscreen! No need to worry about cash, the parking is free and all the vendors and the farm except credit cards.

I think this may be a new annual event for me. I am feeling lavender blue dilly dilly.

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