
Ardent is an adjective defined as passionate, enthusiastic, burning, or glowing.

My name is Kelsey and I am an advocate for being your most glowing self.

As a woman entering her mid-twenties, I started to feel the drag of the ‘everyday.’ I was living life in routines and forgetting to live in color. I was desperate to find a way to myself again, when I remembered blogging. As a college student I studied abroad in London, England and started a blog to document my journey. It quickly turned into an obsession. When I came back, the pangs of adulthood grew and the blog was eventually, forgotten.

I was speaking to my co-worker about my hum drum feelings and my need to find an outlet when she said to me, “you have such a passion for the finer things, to live richly and fully.” Her words inspired me to remember my passionate, enthusiastic, burning, and glowing self. Thus, Ardently Kelsey was born.

So welcome!

I hope to inspire you through my passions of travel and fashion to be your most ardent self. Whatever it is you chose to do I hope you do so richly and colorfully.

Kelsey Noelle