We made it to 2019! Can you believe it? In a world full of up’s and down’s, making it to a new year truly does feel like an accomplishment! Especially when you dedicate a year to your own self-discovery.

It feels like just yesterday I started my 2018 new year’s vulnerability journey. *Footnote: If you haven’t read that post, you can here.

During 2018, I worked hard to be my most vulnerable self. Vulnerability is always something I have struggled with, and I was tired to living my life through the windowpane of anxiety. So to combat my tendencies (and it will always be something I have to work on) I started living my life truly as myself.

I met my travel goals by going to Belize and lived my dream of travelling to Iceland solo! I promised to be open to new things and experiences, and (what feels like the most simple, but one of the most difficult goals), to be honest with myself. It was a good year, and I wanted to continue on that journey, but with a slight twist.

It was my golden birthday this year. I turned 27 on the 27th of November, and I could feel the energy shift around me. My dearest friend, Emma, went above and beyond to make my birthday special and got me a frame with the saying:

“You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go DO THEM.”

After reading those words and looking at them everyday since, I could feel the energy shift around me. Whether or not you believe in vibes, energy, divine intervention, or if it’s all in my head is frankly, subjective. But I will tell you what I am going to do: CELEBRATE THEM.

And that my friends is with this year is all about.

Celebrating everything that comes your way.

Celebrating the good and the bad.

Celebrating wants, dreams, and desires.

Celebrating who you are, ardently and unapologetically.


So what am I celebrating about myself? I’m celebrating my passion, joy, giggles, goofiness, fire, and that little bit of ‘extraness.’ How could I possible find a way to celebrate all of those adjectives? I’ll tell you how….with sequins, fur, balloons, and a fabulous photo shoot with Johnson Photography.

This is something I’ve always wanted to do, and why not?! Cayla from Johnson Photography did an amazing job of capturing the 2019 CELEBRATION, don’t you think?!

Nothing says celebrate like a 1970’s inspired rose gold jumpsuit. It’s one of those special outfits that when you wear it, you become who you always wanted to be. I highly recommend for anyone who wants to glow from within and without. 

Sequin Jumpsuit | Fur Vest | Heels 

I truly believe that 2019 is going to be the best year. This is the time to be your best self, to be your most glowing self, and to celebrate what you love about you.

So those things you’ve always wanted to do?….go celebrate and do them. 

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