Iceland- Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon & The Southern Island

I woke early the next day ready to explore the south of Iceland. I was picked up by Bus Travel Iceland for a 15 hour tour to Glacier Lagoon, and the wonders of the south.

I was picked up about 7:30 a.m. and introduced to our tour guide, Howser.

He was fantastic, all the way to the Jokulsarlon, he told us the history of the area, stories of vikings, the science and devastation of the volcanos, and so much more. He had us laughing and comfortable all the way to glacier lagoon.

Once we arrive, you could hear everyone’s breath hitch. The glaciers rested in the water, floating sculptures for your viewing pleasure. Each as different as the next.

Howser gave us an hour to explore the area, and explore we did. I adventured out with my new friend, Lena and we ‘oohed and aahed’ at the formations.

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A rare ice flower.

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What do you see in this one?

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A hungry ice shark!

Glaicer Lagoon-12Glaicer Lagoon

We hopped back on the bus, only to be taken across the way to Diamond Beach. Why is called Diamond Beach? Oh, no reason….

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Diamond Beach

Diamond Beach.

Beautiful shards of glaciers, danced in the light all around us. Some were in the water, but hundreds were along the black sand gleaming and glittering like rare jewels.

I shall only except a ring of this size from now on (just kidding).

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I do!

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Sea dragon.

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We had so much fun looking at all the formations and playing with the ice. It was truly a sight to behold!

Once we had our fill, we headed back and started making the trek back to Reykjavik, but with many more stops along the way. The first was to one of the many waterfalls of Iceland: The Side Waterfall.


The Side Waterfall.


I mean come one!

Around another corner, we stopped at the Sister’s Falls. This was on land that once belonged to a convent, hence the name.


The Sister’s Falls.


One of the best stops of the day was in Vik.


Black sand beach in Vik.

It’s summer in Iceland (despite what you may think) so the Lupine flowers are blooming. This is not a native plant, however, Howser told us that even though this is not native it is helping Iceland in a unique way. This plant only grows where the soil is not well. An amazing thing happens, the plant creates its own top soil and heals the land through its growth. When the land is healed it will stop growing. Of course, there are two sides the other being it is an aggressive plant and some Icelander’s do not like how quickly it has spread.

While I can’t speak for Icelander’s, I was very enamored with the flower especially the fields growing in Vik.


The trolls & their ship.


Lupine flowers.



The church in Vik from a field of Lupine.


We continued our way back to Reykjavik, but not without two more stops. The first being to Skogafoss Waterfall. If you watch Vikings you will remember this from when Raven Floki was shipped wrecked.


Skogafoss Waterfall.


We got as close to the falls as possible, getting soaked, but our souls were rejuvenated from the fresh water spray.


Soaked and completely smitten with Iceland, we got back on our bus and headed to our last stop, Seljalandfoss. Now this is a fall you can really get to know…by walking behind it.


Seljalandsfoss Waterfall.


I thought I was rejuvenated by Skogafoss, but when I walked behind Seljalandfoss, I was reborn! There is nothing that compares to the beauty of a waterfall and seeing it from all angles. It was a magical experience that left me thankful.


Behind the falls!

How could the day be better? The answer, it couldn’t!

My final opinion

I booked this day tour through Get Your Guide. It’s a great website to book all sorts of activities in places all around the globe. You need to do this tour, and if there is a way to request Howser as guide then you should do so! He was so knowledgeable, shared amazing insights, history, music and songs, and took us to extra waterfalls. I mean, how can you argue with that?

  • You can book the tour here. Also shout out to Bus Travel Iceland. This company is extremely organized. The bus was a small 16 person vehicle, so it felt intimate and not too much like a giant Greyhound tourist vessel. 10/10 , I recommend this trip, and for only $119 USD?!

I went to sleep completely exhausted, but happy and ready for my next day exploring Iceland’s infamous Golden Circle.

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