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Do yourself a favor and book all your snorkeling trips with Island Dream Tours. Our first day we were laying out on our dock, we heard the speech of Kevin from Island Dream Tours, and Alyse and I knew we had to book a day trip with them. They were full until our last full day, we jumped on the opportunity and booked the ‘Chill Cruise’ and spoiler alert it was easily the best part of the trip.

The chill cruise included:

  • Food all day
  • Full bar
  • Snorkling at Hol Chan & Shark Ray Alley
  • Anchor at a Chill Spot to Relax

We gathered on the dock early Thursday morning to listen to Kevin speak about Belize. This is a country that runs on its tourism revenue. The country is simply not big enough for them to cultivate more exports. The ocean is how the people of this country make their living, both on the islands and on the mainland. However, there is a serious issue. The ocean and wildlife are not respected: Trash lines the beaches, seaweed lies in heaps at the edge of the water, the smells are nauseating, and now the Belizean government could begin off shore oil drilling.

This ‘quick fix’ would hardly be worth it, in terms of income and would destroy the reef, the wildlife, and the major tourism draw. We need to do something about this. Kevin encouraged us to take photos with the ‘No means no for oil drilling sign,’ and share on our social media.

So photos we took and share we did.

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Island Dreams didn’t just educate us about the dangers of oil drilling, feed us, and keep the booze flowing, they even had underwater camera for us to use! They uploaded them to a drop box and e-mailed us the link a week or so later, and the results were awesome.

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Shout out to Alyse for being the best photographer ever!

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She’s an actual mermaid!

L.L. Bean Rashguard | When I say you need these shirts, you really need these shirts! We wore these snorkeling a few times and NEVER burned on our backs. It’s a must for any tropical vacation.

After our amazing snorkeling visits in Hol Chan & Shark Ray alley (Which are a must if you are traveling to Belize) we enjoyed a relaxing cruise to our ‘Chill spot.’ Hence the name, the ‘Chill Cruise.’

We dropped anchor in a beautiful area, with clear waist deep water. I mean look at the color. How could you resist?

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We floated, swam, and drank in the warm water soaking in our last of the tropical sun.

I of course, could not resist a photo shoot in this fantastic vintage inspired bikini.

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High Waisted Bikini (AMAZING PRICE!) | Floppy Hat | Sunglasses

The light peachiness of the suit compliments your tan, making you positively radiate with a summer glow. The rouching of the bottoms hides any tummy problems, and the top pushes the girls up making you feel like Marilyn Monroe.

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Soon it was time to go, and we cruised back to the dock, with new friends in tow.

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If traveling has taught me anything, It’s that the world is an amazing place. How could you not smile? What traveling also brings is a responsibility to raise awareness and be a voice. No means no for oil drilling! We only have one planet, and we need to protect it. We are all humans and we all share this earth. Let’s be a voice and protect what we have to others may enjoy traveling for generations to come.

This bloggers advice for Belize?

  • Get a Rashguard shirt. You will thank me after a few days of snorkeling.
  • If you are not staying at a resort, be prepared for the reality of the dirty shore. The beaches are not usable, unless at a resort.
  • Bring cash! They accept USD, so bring it. Most places do accept major credit cards, but cash is so much easier.
  • Try and book your day adventures before hand, especially if you are going in tourist season (January- April).
  • Have I said sunscreen and after sun lotion yet? No! Well bring them! Sun bum is my personal favorite for both products.
  • If your staying on San Pedro, definitely book Island Dream Tours ‘Yolo’ Boat trips. The crew is fantastic, you are well taken care of, and it’s a BLAST. I would return to go on more trips with this company.

Overall it was an amazing vacation, with amazing people, and I will cherish it forever!

Have you ever been to Central America? If so, where? If you could go once place in Central America, where would you go?

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